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Mexico Bird Watching Tour

Mexico Bird Watching Tour
When: Thur 6 April - Sun 23 April 2023
Leaders: Cgrus Doughty and Mark Stackhouse
Mexico Bird Watching Tour
Mexico City/Guadalajara (18 Days) $10,293
Single Room Supplement $780
Mexico Birding Tour
Mexico conjures up a rich mixture of images - sombreros, white-clad peons, stubborn mules and long siestas - all portraying a distinctly sleepy image, which disguises the reality of a country rapidly entering the modern world, with good roads, quality accommodation, great food, and, best of all, extremely exciting birding. Mexico, is a land of stark contrasts, a transitional zone between temperate North America and the lush rainforests of Central and South America; the complex topography, of spectacular mountain ranges and isolated deserts, has produced an endemic-rich avifauna. Mexico has 137 endemic birds, and many more, shared only with adjacent parts of the United States and Central America. This tour is designed to explore the finest birding areas surrounding Mexico City and the Pacific coast of Mexico. Both areas have a complex ecosystem, an intricate mix of barren cactus-studded hillsides, dry forest, refreshing pine forests and high cloud forest. On this unique tour, we shall go birding in all of these habitats, which are home to a large number of endemic Mexican birds, including a number of rare and highly localised species, such as Golden-crowned Emerald, Blue Mockingbird, Purplish-backed Jay, Black-polled Yellowthroat, Red Warbler and Sierra Madre Sparrow. In addition to these exciting endemics, we shall also find a large and colourful variety of more widespread birds, while experiencing a large range of different habitats, and some truly spectacular scenery. We begin our journey in the capital, Mexico City. Just outside the city are extensive areas of pine and oak woodlands, interspersed with grassy plains. Here we shall search for several Mexican endemics, including Balsas Screech Owl, Strickland's Woodpecker, Black-polled Yellowthroat and Sierra Madre Sparrow. Leaving Mexico City we fly to Mazatlan, on the eastern shores of the Gulf of California, where we will visit the cool pine forests of the spectacular Durango Highway. Foremost amongst the many endemics of this region is the incredible Tufted Jay, and we should also see a host of other superb specialities, including Pine Flycatcher, Crescent-chested and Olive Warblers, Red-headed Tanager and Rufous-capped Brushfinch. Further south along the coast, we visit San Blas, where we will find an array of Mexican endemics, including Mexican Parrotlet, Mexican Woodnymph, Grey-crowned Woodpecker, Citreoline Trogon and Happy Wren. Continuing southwards along the coast, we shall explore the forested slopes of the twin volcanoes near Colima. The open fields, scattered pine woodland and superb montane pine-oak forests are home to a variety of spectacular endemics including Banded Quail, the shy Long-tailed Wood Partridge, Whiskered Screech Owl, Aztec Thrush, Collared Towhee, Black-chested Sparrow and the amazing Orange-breasted Bunting. Our final birding destination is along the road to Playa del Oro. The dry forest here is a great place to search for Flammulated Flycatcher and Sinaloa Wren. Come with us and enjoy this fabulous Mexico Bird Watching Tour.
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